Sunday, August 1, 2010

My other glider - the 3.5m Pilot " Masala "

Here is one of my favourite glider. Currently the Pilot "Masala" is the biggest that i have. It's wing span is 3.5m and would like to go for a bigger one if it's not for the limited space which i have now. But nevertheless, it's still a beautiful glider to soar with.

It's very sensitive to thermals and on one occassion i hit a boomer thermal and it went straight up. Was having a hard time getting out of the boomer thermal as it did really lifted up the glider rapidly. Took me 15mins to get it down as i did a steep 45deg dive and as the velocity increase i tired using butterfly brake ( crow ) and the servo for the aileron and flaps gave way since i was using a carbonite gears servo so i have to rely on my elevator and rudder to steer it down. It was my mistake for using a carbonite gears instead of metals

1 comment:

  1. Very nice website Nigel. I am from Petaling Jaya and I have a Pilot Mace like yourself and have been enjoying it for over a year. Thinking of getting a Masala too. Can you tell me how the Masala compares to the Mace. Is it very different to fly?
